Manage User on Google Analytics

How Can We Help?

Google Analytics is a powerful tool for any business. It has many powerful features that can help any business grow.

This article will walk you through step-by-step how to manage users on Google Analytics so feel free to reach out if there’s anything specific you’d like us to cover in more detail for Google Analytics!

Add User on Google Analytics

1. Sign in to Google Analytics.

2. Click Admin, and navigate to the desired account/property/view.

3. In the Account, Property, or View column (depending upon whether you want to add users at the account, property, or view level), click Access Management.

google analytics admin panel

4. In the Access Management list, click +, then click Add users.

Add User to Google Analytics

5. Enter the email address for the user’s Google Account

6. Select Notify new users by email to send a message to the user

7. Select the permissions you want. Learn more about permissions

Set Permission to New User in google analytics

7. Click Add.


Delete User on Google Analytics

1. Sign in to Google Analytics.

2. Click Admin, and navigate to the desired account.

3. In the Account, Property, or View column, click Access Management.

4. Use the search box at the top of the list to find the user you want.

5. Select the check box for each user you want to delete, then click REMOVE.


Edit User Permissions

1. Sign in to Google Analytics.

2. Click Admin, and navigate to the desired account/property/view.

3. In the Account, Property, or View column (depending upon whether you want to modify permissions at the account, property, or view level), click Access Management.

4. Use the search box at the top of the list to find the user you want. Enter a full or partial address(ex: or jobel).

5. Click the user name, then add or remove permissions.

6. Click Save.


Related Article: Google Analytics Guide


We hope it helped you learn how to manage users on Google Analytics! If you have any questions, please contact us or pop in to our chat support between 9 AM to 3 PM Eastern Time and we’ll be happy to assist.

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